1. Booking conditions.
    • You can book in Sahara hotel via one of the following methods: via the booking form on www.saharahotel.bg, by email: hotelsahara.svilengrad@gmail.com or by phone on +359882787777.
    • Once we receive and process your request, we will contact you to confirm the possibility for
    • By hotelier`s discretion, as required guaranteeing deposit may be specified amount which you shall pay in advance before the accommodation, amounting to the price of the first night fee for each of the occupied premises. You shall make payment within two days after sending our email. The remainder of the amount of your total reservation fee is payable on site at the hotel.
    • After receiving the advance payment, your reservation is valid and is considered as finally
    • At uncompleted payment within the specified term the hotel shall reserve the right to cancel the reservation in question.
    • When a customer makes a reservation at Sahara Hotel is considered that he / she has read and agreed with these general terms and conditions.
  2. Conditions for reservation cancellation:
    • Cancellations of your reservation may be made by one of the following manners: by email to hotelsahara.svilengrad@gmail.com or by phone +359882787777.
    • At cancellation of confirmed reservation 2 / two / or more days before the date of accommodation, the client does not owe penalty.
    • At cancellation of confirmed reservation within period less than 2 /two/ days before the accommodation date or in case of non-appearance in the accommodation day you shall owe penalty amounting to the value of the first night fee of each of the booked premises paid as deposit.
    • Sahara Hotel reserves the right to cancel confirmed and paid reservation in case of force majeure events and other reasons beyond the hotelier`s control. In these cases the hotelier:
  • Offers accommodation for another period at reserving the same conditions and prices.
  • Reimburses the deposit paid by the client within 30 days / thirty days / from the date of receiving a written request for this by the tourist, and shall not owe penalty to the same.
  1. Accommodation conditions:
    • Check-in and check-out times:

Check in: after 14:00 o`clock

Check out: until 12:00 o`clock